No, it was not Victoria that was born (yet… though I am 37 weeks now). Our new Bosch dishwasher FINALLY arrived!! It has been installed and as I’m writing this it’s running through it’s first wash cycle. I can barely hear it. And it’s soooo beautiful! :D
It’s been exactly 15 days since I bought it. Long overdue! It was supposed to be delivered and installed on Tuesday March 30, but as luck would have it the order fell through the cracks and after I was on top of things for days, finally got things done the right way, emergency order and all. It pays to be such a pain in the butt and stay on top of things (most of the times…though it’s never worked with Sears – where we got our fridge, that’s a whole other story…I hate Sears!). After all the inconveniences (there were several, sigh), Lowes came through and offered me a 10% discount on the already $100 discounted price I had originally paid for the dishwasher. That, plus they told me that now the order also qualified for a free installation/haul away rebate (savings of $109). So all in all, we saved $280 on a pretty darn nice dishwasher. I’ll take this 15 day delay with all it’s inconveniences anytime for that kind of savings! Well, maybe not anytime, but I’m good this time. ;) And yes, I’m still remaining a loyal Lowes junky, even with this little incident (which is a first for me).
I am so thrilled to have a working dishwasher, and even more such a fine looking one. No more hand washing (such a waste of time!), no more disposables, no more use and reuse 1 glass/day kinda thing, lol… Did I mention how quiet it is??!! It’s FABULOUS in every sense of the word! Below is a pic of our beauty (never mind the bright light down the middle caused by the flash).