Ok, so this will be a short post. Just wanted to shout to the world in good ol’ OMG fashion that for the first time ever Victoria slept 7 hrs straight last night, and thanks to that so did I. I didn’t realize it until Nico woke me up at 7 am, I told him to go back to sleep a bit (which he did) and then looked at the clock and at myself in the mirror and realized the two ‘hard rocks’ I had on my chest were there because there was no middle of the night feeding. So, what to do? I woke a still heavily sleeping Victoria at 7:15 am and fed her, and she went right back to sleep for a half hour, then fed again. Nice… though I fear that if I go for more than 4-5 hrs without getting the milk out my supply will start to diminish and I may have to supplement like I had to with Nico. He would sleep 8 hrs straight at night, and I wouldn’t pump either, so my supply ran lower than his demand.
Well, at least for one night it’s refreshing to have slept 7 hrs straight… cheers!
Yay!! SO happy for you and getting 7 hrs sleep! :) Gosh, i remember the days when I'd wake up with huge, hard, sore, boobs...I miss a lot about Kailyn being a baby, but certainly not engorgement. Good luck to you. I was a pumper, so I would recommend it in situations like that but I praise ya girl for sticking to your guns and doing the solo breastfeeding. You're a great woman, a great wife, and a great mom. :) xoxo
thx my friend :)... last night amazingly she slept 6 hrs straight. I did not put an alarm thinking it had been a one time thing, but maybe she's starting to sleep longer at night. Idk. Again two solid rocks when I jumped out of bed at 6:20 am realizing again she'd slept straight through. Yesterday my milk supply towards the end of the day 'seemed' to be running low, or perhaps it was just that she was demanding to be fedd too much too often. I'm wondering if my body would cut milk supply so soon... anyway, will be setting an alarm to 'create' if need be a mid-night feeding, for the sake of the milk supply and not having to supplement! :)