Lena M. Martinez

With 2 babies now, it’s been pretty hard keeping up with my blog. Life is very busy, crazy at times, but all in all wonderful and blessed with Nico and Victoria. They are such wonderful kids, and truly our greatest joys.


pic taken Aug. 2010

Nico’s 2 yrs 4 mths now. He’s very smart, speaking both Spanish and English. He’s figured out that he has a choice when it comes to deciding when to do what or where, or if to do as Mommy says.

Or so he thinks.

Oh it makes for interesting days, lol, or stressful, depending on how you look at it.

Nico is very loving with his little sister. He’s also been telling me with a sweet voice, kisses, and caresses “Mommy is so pretty”. Yes, I melt away.

He’s still in pull ups, and shows no interest in potty training though we’ve tried. His potty seat is as lonely as can be, though in the last 2 mths he’s used the big people toilet to pee while sitting assisted at his request, but that’s only been less than a handful of times.

Victoria turned 4 mths on 8/26; time flies when you’re having fun! She’s 17 lbs 6 oz (above 95% – aka ‘off the charts’, lol), and measures 24.88 in (75%). She’s been wearing 6 mth clothes, but according to the labels and her weight she should be in 9 mth clothes.

OMG! I have chunky babies, what can I say. And since I’m solely breastfeeding her, I must have some awesome liquid gold supply! ;)

She’s such a sweet baby and smiles and laughs all the time. She’s ticklish, talks her own little language, rolls over, and sits well when assisted. She’s begun the teething process as she’s enjoying slobbering on everything and nibbling on her fingers, and mine.

She is a wonderful baby and sleeps like a champ, from 9:30 pm until 8 am. Additionally she takes a 3 hr nap daily as well. Early on, through much trial and error, I found that she’s allergic to milk protein, so I’ve been banned from my fav drink: MILK.

That, and anything made with it. And let me tell you, that has been no fun for me. I REALLY miss milk.

And cheese.

The world is a horrible place without my dairy! Waaa waaa… :(

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