Julio was gone for a few days last week, so for those few days I didn’t drink my usual half espresso. Can you believe I actually coach myself to throw away the other half? Daily. And I suffer having to do it. Every time.
Anyway. During that same time, I noticed Victoria behaved pretty well. She didn’t seem as needy or clingy as she’s usually been, even to the point where she enjoyed being for long periods of time in her different stations: the jumparoo, the swing, the bouncer, the highchair, the floor. I found myself having more time for other things. And who knew, I had arms!? She also didn’t have as many poopie diapers as usual. I’ve got to wonder…
Coincidence? Perhaps, not.
Today I drank some espresso again, but only a quarter of it. I had been thinking about these coincidences. Could the caffeine be doing the damage? Hmmm… So, later in the afternoon, after the caffeine had surely made its way into my milk I started noticing my little velcro baby gone bad was back. Wining, crying, clingy, super needy and oh so poopie! I must have changed 6 diapers in like 4 hours.
Could just a little bit of caffeine have been the root of all evil all this time?
So, starting tomorrow I’m totally off caffeine, once again. I’m talking not even Diet Coke. We’ll see what happens in the next few days. If Victoria doesn’t become the velcro baby gone bad again, I’ll know we found the cure to all hell. O:)
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