Lena M. Martinez

We frequently have long term guests at our house, and by that I mean a month or more at a time, even more than once a year.  In the past we’ve ended up doubling Nico and Victoria in her bedroom and offered up Nico’s room since Victoria’s crib won’t fit through the doorway in one piece and disassembling it is not an option we want to even think of.

In the event of an even tougher scenario, we need both kids’ bedrooms for guests which means both kiddos are booted from their bedrooms, and with both being under the age of 3 we have no where else to put them other than our bedroom. This can happen, it’s not a vague supposition.

Don’t get me wrong, I love having visitors, especially since all our family lives out of the country and we don’t get to see them as often as we’d like. But the situation is tough when it involves shuffling the kids around.

If guests stayed a week or two, it would be a bearable sacrifice. But when they have extended stays, it becomes SO stressful I can barely handle it. Their sleep patterns are completely disrupted (leading to mine as well), they wake each other up, and that leads to a domino effect of chaos, that quite simply put, is intolerable. It’s a crazy situation and adds more stress to an already hectic household. All of that leads to a more bitchy me. So, I object! (I’m sure Julio would as well.)


image by staci0421_photo

My Mom will be spending a few months with us starting in March. And it looks like she may be visiting us for long periods on a permanent and yearly basis. I’m also taking into consideration the fact that my step daughter visits us over the summers and some Holidays as well. We really do need a solution, and pronto!

So, I’m on a mission to find the {perfect} solution!  The clock’s ticking… I’ll keep you posted on what I come up with.

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2 Responses
  1. Andrea Says:

    Is it time to move to a bigger house?

  2. No way!! This house is PLENTY big. I couldn't/wouldn't want a bigger one. It's just that our circumstances are special, and guests like to stay for a while...a long while. We love having them, but the problem arises from Nico and Victoria being displaced from their bedrooms. We have a liv rm that's currently furniture free for the mos part. It has my computer and most of the kids' toys, so serves as the current toy room. I think we'll be moving Julio into there, so it'll be our dbl office, we'll need to close it off somehow, and then make his current office the toy room for the kids until they're old enough to be able to have it in the basement (less supervision required)/ guest bedroom when needed.

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