Lena M. Martinez

R-I-P-gravestone Our dishwasher has decided all on its own it needs to be replaced. Julio begs to differ ‘jokingly’ stating I probably did something to it and I’m now rejoicing at the prospect of finally replacing the darn thing. Ok, I’ll be honest the darn thing is white, ugly, old, rusted, noisy and yes I’ve always wished for something newer, nicer, and stainless steel.  But honestly, I’m unsure whether I should celebrate [yay! finally get to replace that old piece of junk white d.w. with a new stainless steel one…] or I should cry [crap, this stupid d.w. finally has taken revenge on my dirty talk about it’s bad looks and pain-in the butt configuration, blah blah blah… darn it, looks like we’ll have to fork out $700 or so for the stainless steel one, just fabulous :S ].


The stupid thing has a nasty smell that prevails well through wash cycles; of course it must be coming from the puddled water that’s permanently logged in the bottom of the tub, quite disgusting!! Do I even have to mention the bits of food that are floating in that water?? So the dishes only look clean after they are washed, but they’re being washed with dirty water, and the last rinse is filled with old food goodies-- omg, I think I could puke!!


So… we’ve tried several things in what’s only been futile attempts to fix the darn thing. We (well, Julio really, I wouldn’t touch that thing) even hand emptied the sitting water, disassembled the inner goods where water is supposed to be drained through, cleaned it out, and put it back together. Turned on the lowest cycle, and again got a puddle of water sitting nicely in the bottom. Fabulous. :S There’s not much else we can do, and I’m not calling a plumber to pay him and arm and a leg to tell me we need to fix [whatever is wrong, read: $$ for repairing a 2002 d.w.] or we need a new one because this one finally gave in. I guess I’m deciding to give the d.w. a death with dignity… or am I? I’ll be putting it (and quite frankly myself) out of it’s misery soon and replacing it with a newer, better, sleeker stainless steel model. I’m not going to tell that to the d.w. though, I couldn’t be that cruel. ;)


So, should I celebrate or cry?? Moral of this story: Goodbyes are never easy… and somehow we always get screwed one way or another. Ca-ching!

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