Ok, so maybe I shouldn’t brag. Or, maybe I should. I mean this is up there in the ‘greatest news ever’ department when you’re a parent.
Nico finally used the potty all on his own. Multiple times, all day long. Did I mention he peed AND pooped? FLAWLESSLY! OMG!! I’m so thrilled I could cry. But I won’t. Save that for the chaotic days when I wish I was on an island, by myself, finally able to hear myself thinking. Ok, so that’s another whole different issue we’ll get into in another post, someday. LOL
Ok, so the potty process isn’t super perfected yet since I still have to wipe him when he poops, AND I also have to go to the bathroom every time he goes after he emphatically shouts “Mommy, I peed/pooped”. {oh, for heaven’s sake… I can’t complain!}
He did it all on his own, when he decided it was time, and has never looked back. I mean, seriously, the transition has been for three days FLAWLESS. Not a single time has he had an accident. That’s my boy! I think he takes after me. Actually, yes, I’m sure of it. He’s got determination and is independent in all his ways. Well, darn it, finally something he got from me! LOL Oh, he’s so darn cute, I could just eat him. Often, he suddenly stops whatever he’s doing and says to himself (or sometimes to me) “oh! do peepee/poop”…sometimes with an added “go, hurry!” to himself. Hahaha. Ahh, good times!
Here’s the gist of how it all went down.
1/14/11 - Day 1:
Julio and I explained to Nico that he was going to start wearing underwear while in the house (sans bottoms, until he learned to deal solely with the underwear), and that he was to pee/poop in the potty when he needed to; NEVER in the underwear.
Nico claimed he understood the situation and agreed to do as told. Yeah right. Four wet underwear later (caught by checking him – not that he ever told us - and after finding a huge wet spot on the carpet - beh!), day 1 came to a close with no success. Luckily he’d done a major poop early in the morning before we started our training process, and didn’t feel the need for a second #2 all day long. Phew! With each oopsies we never reprimanded/punished him and always talked nicely explaining each time he’d made a mistake, and repeated that the potty was the place to do everything. Though in all honesty, I thought at some point, eventually, I’d lose what little mind and patience I had left. Who are we kidding? I mean, after all, I was the one who’d have to clean every mess, and wash every wet or filthy pooped underwear. Beh!
1/15/11 – Day 2: (…and beyond)
First thing in the morning, off with Nico’s overnight diaper (no poop, just pee), and on came the underwear. Again, we explained how he had to go about it all. I was preparing myself mentally for that impending #2 that would sooner or later come, expecting a big horrible mess sometime, somewhere, just hopefully not on the carpet or fabric sofa. Sigh. {to my delight it would never come in that horrific way}
Not too long into the morning I noticed Nico running towards the bathroom. He seemed in a hurry, opened the door, turned on the light and after a few brief seconds of silence he shouted “Mommy, I peed!”
I was ecstatic! Could it really be true? I found him sitting on the potty, and though he assured me he peed, it was clean. I then noticed he’d made the attempt to get to the potty but had peed in his underwear and then sat on the potty. The same thing happened twice in a row and both times I told him he did a good job trying but he still didn’t have it quite right. Clearly he was making progress with his training since he’d made the attempts to use the potty.
Like they say, third time’s a charm! He peed in the potty for the first time and has never looked back. I admit I’d never been so happy to see pee in my life until that moment. I shouted what a great job he did, what a big boy he was, did a little dance, a woohoo!, and high fived him. At his 2 yrs 9 mths old, I’m his biggest fan. And I’ll always be. Definitely.
He got a special reward every successful time, a cracker at first, until we noticed he kept running to the bathroom way too often and not doing anything but still requested a cracker. That’s when I switched the reward to dinosaur stamps, which was not only better but proved to be way too cool. In fact SO cool, he pooped successfully! …In retrospect, rewarding him with food was probably not the best idea, so I’m glad I switched to a non-edible reward. Besides, what kid doesn’t love dino stamps all over their hands and arms? Too cool! I feel like a super cool Mama for offering such a super cool reward. ;P
I’m such a proud Mama! I must have the smartest kid in the world. Right?! Of course! {giggle}
Oh the joys of the Mommyhood!
That's strange, I came to look at your blog to see if you responded to my response but its not here... :( Well... what I thought I wrote was:
That is great for Nico, way to go!! I have been potty training Kailyn for like 8 months now and she has got it down for the most part, she goes pee and poop in the potty, she'll wipe and she'll wash her hands. What she can't do is wear panties without getting them wet. I don't know what it is but as soon as there is something on her bottom, she'll pee in it. She pretty much lives everyday naked so she runs to the potty and goes, but I try and put panties on and she goes. It's frustrating, but I know she'll get it eventually.
High five Nico!! :)
Nico's done pretty well, though a couple times he hasn't gotten to the potty in time, the worst is that those times he's handed me his underwear with the poop in it. YUCK!
As long as we keep him in his underwear without pants he does really well. He also learned to throw the stuff from the potty bowl into the toilet and flush, and also wash his hands. Still haven't taught him how to wipe, so it's still our duty.
Patience is what's needed! Way to go Kailyn, keep up the progress! :)