So, it has begun.
I don’t know if this is the right time. Could it ever be the right time? Who are we kidding? Little things can be more annoying than the broken record of a little 2 yr 9 mth old boy {my son} repeating over… and over… and over again:
“Why Mommy? Why?”
The subject is never relevant. Sometimes, it’s an out of the blue question. “Mommy, why is this?” Other times, it doesn’t even make sense, and it’s oddly hilarious. Like when I jammed my toe into the foot of the sofa, and while I screamed hurting he asked, “Why Mommy?” Ok, so in the middle of my pain, I cracked up laughing. That must have been the silliest most stupid question, ever.
There are moments where this sassy Mama loses it, due to over-heated “why, why , why?” malfunction… it is those moments when I wish someone would just put me out of my misery. And then something cute happens; Nico will do something so adorable I completely forget the insanity, and just realize how adorable he is and how crazy I’m about him.
Craziness! I know. Us Moms can be so weak.
Nico is asleep as we speak, and somehow I still hear his voice saying, “Why Mommy?” {Haha.} Yep, losing it probably. It was cute the first time he asked why. Ok, the first two times. After all, Nico is so darn cute it’s hard not eating him. But in reality after that… dear God! I could really go insane, any day now. Whatever dismal bit of sanity might be left in me, may have just gone out the window a few minutes ago.
SOS! Anyone?
So, how long does this stage last, exactly? Of course, I’m sure that like everything else, once Nico grows out of this phase, Victoria will fall right into it. It’s like the whole diaper thing and cleaning poop everywhere. I could pull my hair out! But that’s a whole different story.
So, in keeping positive thoughts about this crazy and silly situation, I see the good in the, err, crazy. My son is a learning machine, always wanting to understand everything.
Wow! He’s SO smart.
Yeah… SO smart he’s figured out another way of driving me insane, and then bringing me back from coo-coo-cachou land instantly by hugging and kissing me spontaneously, out of the blue, all while he tells me “Mommy, I loooooove you!”
I mean, could you resist this face?
{oh, I just melt away…}
Haha that is funny. I was waiting for this to start happening too but I guess I'm luck that Kailyn didn't start the why thing. Instead of the why I get the "Mom, look at me" ALL. THE. TIME!!!!
Still the cuteness follows and we melt like mush. :)
yeah! recently I've been getting a lot of "Is that for me??" from Nico as well. I can't believe how much he's advanced in his English and understanding of both languages. It's amazing! They grow too fast. :( sniff sniff