As if hormones didn’t do enough to your body during your 9 mths as an incubator, they also have a very bizarre effect on your dreams. No, you’re not safe from the hormonal effects while you sleep either, so don’t get your hopes up for shut eye normalcy, lol. A lot of my dreams have been action-packed (which have left me feeling exhausted and un-rested when I wake up), others very stressful (and I wake up sweating and worried). I wouldn’t classify these as dreams or night mares, perhaps they should be simply called
bizarre mind phenomena.
Here’s a list of small recollections (bits and pieces) of the strangest dreams I’ve had with this pregnancy. Please, don’t judge and don’t ask… lol:
* I was at a fancy hotel for some convention sharing a room with the First Family, The Obamas. I had my own queen bed all for myself, and they had their own. Yes, all four of them shared one queen bed. And their black dog was with them too.
* This (stupid) girl I haven’t seen since I was like 17 slapped me because according to her I was onto her man, which wasn’t true. Anyway, I never liked the girl in the first place, and in the dream I remembered that fact so I beat the crap out of her. And I mean BEAT. It was almost like watching one of those martial arts movies, lol, and I was the strong one, and of course I won. I even grabbed her by the hair and flipped her over like a pancake. So empowering, so awesome! I have to admit a got much pleasure and satisfaction out of that dream. ;) {giggles}
* I was swimming very deep down in the ocean and entered a dark cave filled with white octopuses, and one very large black one. They were all immobile, as if sleeping. I got out and a man told me how lucky I was to be alive because the white octopuses were the deadliest, and just a touch from their tentacles could have killed me.
* Julio and I were taking a small ferry in the middle of the ocean towards some newly discovered islands which had ancient ruins older than the Roman and Greek empires. The ferry sunk about 3 feet into the water, but we were not to worry according to the guide because it was normal. Of course seeing the giant crocodile/dinosaur-like creatures swimming around us made it all a bit more terrifying.
* I was on board a large cruise ship to who knows where with some of my old high school classmates. I was having trouble finding a table where to sit in the restaurant, and then a moment later everyone disappeared, all but 2 gals. I don’t know what happened to the boat, but all of a sudden the 3 of us were stuck in a tiny red light aircraft that was made of plastic, had no seatbelts, and was missing the steering equipment. We were nose diving at a million mi/hr getting ready to crash, I was calm (??) and told them “say your prayers, I don’t think we’re gonna make it” and yet I was able to successfully land us on the ocean, without a scratch. No, we didn’t crash, and what a coincidence there was an island about 200 ft away we could swim to.
* Julio and I had moved into a large empty warehouse. It was grey and dirty, and the kitchen was missing all the appliances, except the Microwave, which seemed like something out of the future. The whole place used to belong to my friend Maria and her family. (??) I kept asking where the range was, and why the two ovens were missing. And why was it all black and dirty, as if it were straight out of a coal mine?
* I was at a movie theater, and apparently a lot of people had gone missing (idk for what reason). There was a booth handing out belongings of missing people they’d found. As I got some bibs and shirts they’d found that belonged to Nico (yes he’d gone missing), I noticed a bin full of shoes and socks that belonged to my friend Maria’s daughter. I asked about them and they said I could have them. I started balling, I was so sad but then I bumped into Maria on my way out and asked her how she could be so calm after losing her daughter, and to my shock she simply told me “life goes on”. I cried my eyes out.
* I was in a hospital and they wanted a urine sample. They gave me a set of cups, and the first one I took was very dirty, as if it had already been used for something else, so I used another one. Not much else to report on this dream.
* I was walking in a mall while about 8 mths pregnant and accidentally bumped into a woman and her friend. I said sorry and I kept walking, but they came after me and pushed me. One of them started hitting me, and before I knew it we were physically fighting. She kept hitting me really hard right in the middle of the belly, where she knew it would hurt the most. And I kept telling her she couldn’t do that because it was not fair. (??) Then I started screaming for help. No one came to help me, and I don’t know who won the fight in the end.
If you have any strange dreams you remember from when you were pregnant, share them with me. I’d love to get a glimpse of the crazy
mind phenomena you experienced.