As I listen to the glorious sounds of birds chirping and singing outside I realize spring has finally arrived. I hope I’m not jinxing it, God knows how much I’ve been longing for the new season and how through I was with winter the day it started. I love being at home, but winter seemed to be endless and I’ve felt like a bear in hibernation. Who wants to go through the hassle of putting on and taking off all the winter gear, not only for yourself, but even more painfully for your 21+ mth toddler in the middle of winter, nevertheless having to battle the ruthless cold, snow, wind, even rain? Certainly no me. Oh, and did I mention I was in my second and third trimester of pregnancy? Thank God Spring has finally arrived! (A bit early it seems, and I’m hoping it’s for good. No more cold and snow please!) It seems like forever ago that I heard the birds and their joyful sounds which are so uplifting to the spirit. Oh how I’ve missed them! I can’t wait for the trees and shrubs to start flowering and the greens to start sprouting, announcing in full colors spring has arrived!...and of course, also announcing Victoria's soon arrival! How exciting! :)
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