Today was a perfect day! It started off with a foggy morning, but as noontime approached the day unfolded into a bright and sunny splendor, with clear blue skies, no wind or rain, perfect 50s weather. I could not help but smile with excitement, and as if magic was in the air I felt a jolt of energy, enthusiasm and overall well being which filled my heart and soul. Nevertheless, I decided to let Nico take his nap much later in the afternoon than usual with the excuse of taking him to the neighborhood park. I’m not sure who was more excited, my little bright eyed prince, or his Mommy, hehe. As we strolled out from the garage I felt an ever so slight breeze, barely there, but it made me look up at the sky and close my eyes for a second. I took it all in, and it felt timeless. Nico kept saying “parque” (park) repeatedly, perhaps trying to speed me up so he could get to the slide and swings and let the real fun begin. I wondered about how he could still remember the park even though it’s been months since we last went there and the word hasn’t even been mentioned since then. It’s always amazing to see how much and how fast he learns. As we approached the park he pointed at it and kept saying “alli esta” (there it is). He smiled and could not contain his excitement. He had a blast, and also loved interacting with other kids though they were a bit older. I was so happy being outside, but even happier to see him enjoying himself so much. He even climbed up the stairs of one of the play houses, sat at the top of a slide and slid down all on his own… it must have been like a thousand times, lol. He was so excited and proud of himself. I was too, and in that bittersweet moment I realized once again how fast my baby is growing. Right there in front of my eyes.
I met a neighbor who was there with 3 of her kids. She was very nice and upbeat. We’d waked past her house on our way to the park just minutes earlier, and even back then she’d said hello and commented about the gorgeous day. We started talking about the kids, the neighborhood and activities, where we were from, when we moved here, etc. I mentioned I was joining the local MOMS Club at the next meeting, and coincidently she said she was a member and loved it. We had a wonderful chat, and after a good hour at the park we came back home. I came back with renewed energy and a sense of ‘wholeness’. After Nico went down for his nap I enthusiastically got several things done on my To Do list, I even enjoyed them. Warm sunny days are just filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. Everyday should be warm and sunny!
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