Lena M. Martinez
With toddlers there’s the occasional poop incident (sometimes usual, though not our case), and Nico is no stranger to this. Today, Julio went to get him from his crib when he woke up in the morning and found Nico in his birthday suit (aka naked) and wearing a hula-hoop something as an accessory. Wait, that was really the diaper which was still attached at around his waist, but he’d managed to rip the bottom part and released all the poop all over the crib and himself. Apparently playing with poop is fun. Who knew? Needless to say Nico got a bath. Immediately.

Here comes the best part of the story though. I had just finished showering and Julio paces quickly into the bathroom, places Nico in the bath tub, and runs into the shower. He mentions the good morning ordeal he had to confront, and so I laughed and bathed Nico. To my surprise (although really at this point nothing surprises me much anymore) when Nico finished his bath and we went into his bedroom I noticed the entire poop mess was still in the crib. [at this point you could que in the horror music from the movies] My dear husband had not even picked up the poop pieces laying in the crib, and the diaper was still nicely thrown right in there in the mix. I yelled at him for that and his response was “Well, how was I supposed to deal with that? I don’t know how to pick that up.” I mean, really?! Use darn baby wipes to pick up the poop, put it all back in the diaper, and get rid of it. And to think he’s got a PhD. Honestly, I wasn’t surprised, but I was annoyed and somewhat upset at his lack of [insert what you please]. Men can be idiots, I guess. (Sorry Baby, I know you’ll eventually read this). So who ended up doing the dirty job, or cleaning it rather?…the slave to all. Call me the maid, or whatever. I think this entitles me to an opinion about men, and it’s not a good one in this case. Thank God for women.
2 Responses
  1. Andrea Says:

    I'm sorry that happened to you. I've heard those stories and I'm thankful that I haven't experienced that one, poop in the tub was enough for me. Today Kailyn and I went shopping for a potty chair, she has a potty seat which she uses in her bathroom but nothing for the downstairs bathroom. She LOVES it! Gonna blog about it now. :)

  2. Yeah, well, that's men for you. At least my hubby. Lucky me. :S You know, Nico did the poop in the tub thing twice, and never more. The first time I was in my 1st trimester w/ this pregnancy and I literally almost threw up; I was beyond disgusted. The second time was over the Holidays, Mom was bathing him with me and we noticed he was going to go. Before he dropped it in the tub, I placed a big plastic cup right at his butt and he pooped there. lol It was pretty neat avoiding the whole mess from the first time it all happened. I guess when you have to go, you have to go.

    I've been thinking of buying a potty chair (or two) for Nico. Haven't gotten around it, and frankly don't look much fwd to potty training. Just more work for the Mommy. Never mind the stress I'll prob have, ha! Let me know how it works out for Kailyn. Of course I hear it's so much easier to potty train girls. Hurray for me...challenges!! ;)

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