Lena M. Martinez

Poor Victoria. A day shy of her 5th birth-month, she’s quite the little package. SO demanding. SO needy. She’s a totally different baby than Nico was. I should have listened to what all those moms were always telling me during my second round as an incubator. My little precious princess, I LOVE her to pieces! Oh, but she wants to be held 90% of the time she’s awake. And a lot of times she will be at peace ONLY when held by me. Sorry Daddy. (And sorry to myself as well.) Add to that the times I hold her while breastfeeding and while putting her to sleep, and voila… there goes pretty much my entire day. I hope I’m not neglecting my son; he’s such a trooper!


Mommy needs a break at times. Make that several breaks, please. And her arms. And back. And silence. And sanity. And less of the added stress. I can’t even hear myself think at times. Oh, did I mention all the hair pulling? Add to that the loads of shedding I’m experiencing thanks to the post-preg hormone changes and we’re talking about being at the verge of baldness. Fabulous. :S


It gets worse. Victoria is also in the teething process. That’s right. Itchy gummies; chewing on her fingers, my fingers, everything she can; slobber all over everything and everyone; crankiness; and just general Mommy-overly-neediness. I guess that’s an excuse to be held all that more. I wish she would take a pacifier. She won’t. She thinks I’m the real thing, pacifiers are so fake (well, duh!). Sure, chew me up, why not. Ouuuuuch! Isn’t that why those things were invented?! God. Give. Me. A. Break. Please. :/ Sigh.


I guess it’s hard being 5 months old… Hmmm, wait till your name becomes ‘Mommy’, hehe. ;)

2 Responses
  1. Andrea Says:

    Aww I'm sorry it's so hard right now for you, just keep thinking "it's only a phase, it's only a phase" soon enough she'll learn to sit up and watch her surroundings, that's always awesome for them and she'll have teeth before you know it. And who knows maybe she'll take a binky soon or maybe it's the kind of binky she doesn't like. is it a Nuk? good luck to you :)

  2. She won't take any kind of binky. I'm hoping it'll at least save us money on orthodontics in the future(hoping she won't need them). HAHA. ;)

    Yeah I keep hoping it's just a phase. Same thing with her milk protein allergy. Keeping my fingers crossed. She does sit up unassisted for at least 2 min before she topples over or to the side, and she loves it. But that too is something that requires me to be with her at all times to make sure she doesn't hit her head if and when she does fall.

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