Nah, that i’ mai tain, Vitorita. (10/13/10)
That almost sounds Chinese or something… LOL
I no see et Mami. (10/19/10)
I can only laugh…
I’m so amazed how quickly he’s picking up English. I’m so proud of him!
Nah, that i’ mai tain, Vitorita. (10/13/10)
That almost sounds Chinese or something… LOL
I no see et Mami. (10/19/10)
I can only laugh…
I’m so amazed how quickly he’s picking up English. I’m so proud of him!
I came across a brilliantly funny (and honestly true) blog post today, by Daniel Evans (aka Dad Gone Mad) regarding a referral for a sleep study he needs, but which his insurance denied. He posted the series of letters exchanged by him and Mr. “[illegible signature]”, Medical Director at his “Piece Of Shit Healthcare”. That’s what he called them.
I cannot tell you how HILLARIOUS the entire exchange of emails is, and how much I LAUGHED! I mean, I really LAUGHED MY ASS OFF! I even cried tears of laughter. You cannot miss reading this!!
It’s TOO good not to share, so here’s the link: A New Approach To Healthcare
:D :D :D
Just got a silly fwd from my friend Nikia titled Why men aren’t allowed to take phone messages. See the image below. It made me chuckle. Happy hump day! :)
So as you know I’m banned from milk and all milk products. Yes, it’s torture! Victoria seems to be allergic in some way to the milk protein. Or at least that’s the conclusion I’ve reached. You don’t even want to know what a devil child she becomes if I have any. The poor thing. Not only that, but she poops waaayyy too much and has horrible colic if I have any.
Victoria’s now 5.5 mths old, and I’ve been trying to introduce formula at her last meal of the day in hopes it’ll hold her better through the night. She’s been waking up every night famished at 4:30 am for the last week and frankly I can’t take it anymore – I need my sleep!
But… she HATES the bottle!
I’m unsure if it’s the fake nipple or the taste of the stinky soy milk (oh my God it’s SO stinky!), or a combination of both. For sure she seems to HATE the taste of the soy milk formula from her facial expressions, gagging, and spitting it out.
I don’t blame her.
If it tastes anything like it smells I must be pretty dreadful. Personally, I hate the taste of soy milk and I have an idea the soy based baby formula isn’t any better.
With the failed attempts at feeding her soy formula, I’ve tried introducing rice cereal (made with a few tsp of the prepared soy formula milk). Again, I was thinking it might help filling her belly for longer. But, the following sequence of pictures pretty much sums up her verdict on that as well:
All attempts have failed. I’ve struck out at every single at bat. Sigh.
What am I going to do? What is my baby going to eat when I no longer breastfeed?
Does this mean I’ll HAVE to breastfeed her until she’s 1???!!!
I have set the cut-off date for 6 mths! (and it’s a magical 2 weeks away… if I actually follow through with it)
Sigh… oh the worries…
As Victoria, Nico and I enjoyed this perfect Fall afternoon in the back yard, we watched the trees and shrubs changing colors and all kinds of insects flying around. A ladybug happened to land right on the siding of the house, after it flew in my hair first. Here’s the little conversation Nico and I had following the incident.
Me: “Ahh!” (I screamed as the ladybug flew into and out of my hair)
Nico: “Wa’ happen Mami?!” (he said quickly and with concern – he’s too cute)
Me: “Nothing, there was a bug in my hair, but it’s gone.”
Nico: “Mami look, a be-u bug.” (Mami look a big bug - pointing at the ladybug on the siding after he looked around for the bug that had been in my hair)
Me: “Where Nico?”
Nico: “Err theu Mami. Wakala!” (over there Mami, ‘wakala’ which means ‘yuck’ in Spanish) At this point he was getting ready to smoosh the poor ladybug with the end of his plastic bat. I didn’t let him though.
The ladybug got smart and not having a death wish it flew away before Nico could get it and without us noticing. When Nico noticed it was gone he asked me:
“Wu les it Mami?” (where is it Mami?)
Me: Gone Baby. Gone. :)
Julio was gone for a few days last week, so for those few days I didn’t drink my usual half espresso. Can you believe I actually coach myself to throw away the other half? Daily. And I suffer having to do it. Every time.
Anyway. During that same time, I noticed Victoria behaved pretty well. She didn’t seem as needy or clingy as she’s usually been, even to the point where she enjoyed being for long periods of time in her different stations: the jumparoo, the swing, the bouncer, the highchair, the floor. I found myself having more time for other things. And who knew, I had arms!? She also didn’t have as many poopie diapers as usual. I’ve got to wonder…
Coincidence? Perhaps, not.
Today I drank some espresso again, but only a quarter of it. I had been thinking about these coincidences. Could the caffeine be doing the damage? Hmmm… So, later in the afternoon, after the caffeine had surely made its way into my milk I started noticing my little velcro baby gone bad was back. Wining, crying, clingy, super needy and oh so poopie! I must have changed 6 diapers in like 4 hours.
Could just a little bit of caffeine have been the root of all evil all this time?
So, starting tomorrow I’m totally off caffeine, once again. I’m talking not even Diet Coke. We’ll see what happens in the next few days. If Victoria doesn’t become the velcro baby gone bad again, I’ll know we found the cure to all hell. O:)
I found the stick and cord for our kite outside the house by the garbage can. Nobody knows how it got there. Anyway… I brought it inside to show and tell Julio about the random occurrence, and when Nico saw it he pointed at it in surprise and said:
Tha’ ta kick, Mami. (that’s a stick)
“…i’ broken Mami.” (it’s broken)
I didn’t even know he knew the words stick and broken. :)
Here’s a couple more sentences Nico said today that came as a surprise. The best part is how silly and cute they sound as he pronounces them in his own way. I’ve spelt them out just like he pronounced them…
“Why da doin’ Tyson? Come on!”
Nico said as he played around the house with Tyson. Again, he used “Come on”. Seems to be getting pretty popular in his talking repertoire.
“Ewas, e at this.”
That translated to “Edward, look at this.” That’s what Nico told his older brother as I put his yogurt snack on his picnic table.
“Come on, move it!”
That’s what Nico shouted out when he saw the line of cars in front of us. And he repeated it several times. Again, it caught me totally by surprise. And I cracked up laughing, thinking he read my mind. I wonder where he picked that sentence up? lol ;P Hehe… Too much driving around with Mommy here, there and everywhere. It was only a matter of time.
Strangely, afterwards out of nowhere he started saying the same thing only adding something to the ending. And I really don’t know why he was saying it, it was only Victoria, him and I in the car…
“Come on, move it Papi! Come on!” (Papi is Daddy in Spanish)
LOL!! Clearly, the kid knows Daddy’s a slow driver and Mommy drives better. ;P
Yesterday afternoon, after I potty mouthed to myself in the kitchen for some reason, he came running through the family room saying,
“Oh, oh, Mami! Wo happen?”
Today while waiting to see the Ped in the waiting room, I was telling him something and he said,
“No, shupp.”
Huh? Where the hell did he get that from?? Well, thank God no one was around… to laugh.
Later on today, while goofing around in the house he came running to me and said,
“Mami, where is Tyson?… [then he sees Tyson walk by] …”Tyson, go. Go, Tyson. Go, go!” [poor dog ran for his life, lol]
Oh, and he’s singing Happy Birthday to himself as we speak…
“Happy Birday to you. Happy Birday a Nico. Happy Birday to you.”
then I asked him to repeat it, to which he responded,
“Shupp.” (shut up. wth?? sigh.)
Happy 8th Anniversary of Togetherness to my better half! (4th Wedding Anniversary coming later this year). Julio, you are truly one of a kind. And you’re mine. Let’s not forget that. Of course, I’m yours too. You shall not forget that, how it happened, or how lucky you are. ;P
Sure. Relationships, and especially marriage require tending, just like a plant needs to be watered and cared for. But our garden is beautiful, beyond the scattered weeds (which btw have taken over part of our back yard because of my inability to exterminate them, or honestly to even go and actually do something about them). Everyone’s garden has weeds here or there, even if they don’t want to admit it. But I do. And it’s alright, the tending will come soon enough. Hopefully before our kids go off to college, hehe. ;)
Joke aside—you are my better half and you complete me. :) You had me at “Senorita”, and I thought all that sifting you did with the 12 yr Scotch at TOTS that night 8 yrs ago not only got me happy drunk but also was awesome and very cute, in a smart (ok, not geeky, but engineering) kind of way. Hehe. ;P
So cheers to us, the past 8 yrs of our wonderful life together, and to the many more to come!! I can’t wait to see what lies ahead on our journey through life, and couldn’t ask for anyone better to walk it with.
Thanks for making my dreams come true, for loving me tenderly and beyond my defects, and putting up with me even on my worst days. You are my rock! I love you SO much! XOXO
Our first trip together almost 8 yrs ago to the day, Thanksgiving Nov. 2002
Photo taken at Central Park in New York
I have lost SO much hair, I’m seriously on the verge of baldness. I’d like to thank my selfish and temperamental hormones who have taken over my entire system and made a party with it. In case you didn’t read the sarcasm in every bit of that, please, re-read.
With my first pregnancy, I started losing hair towards the end of the first trimester and that went on for probably a month or two. By the end of that pregnancy, to my amazement, my hair looked unbelievable awesome. Then came the feared 3rd month post-pregnancy. Like an unexpected earthquake, it all began to fall out once again. For the life of me, I can’t remember how long it fell for, but it sopped. Eventually.
Now with baby #2, oddly I lost no hair during pregnancy. But, I didn’t think it looked as great as during my first pregnancy. That aside, I gained much less weight with this pregnancy, only 27 lbs! With Nico, I gained 34 lbs. So maybe it’s a give and take kinda thing. Can’t have your cake and eat it too, I guess.
Oh, but again that dreaded 3rd month post-pregnancy came. And it came with a BIG BAMM! My hair started falling out like never before. And now at 5 months post delivery, it still is, and in masses. At least it seems that way. I’ve never had tons of hair, and it’s thin and oily. But I guess this time around the cocktail of events contributing to my hair loss is that much greater than the first time around. Try this for a drink, and it’ll make anyone lose more than just hair.
Hair Loss Cocktail
Ingredients (sizes are marked within {} )
{Tons} Naturally oily scalp
{Even more} 3rd month+ hormonal wackiness
{Torture with} Can’t drink milk or milk products (so I’m probably not getting enough calcium --- Idk if it even has any relation)
{The more the merrier} STRESS of a 2 yr old toddler
{More than with the toddler} STRESS of 5 mth old baby (make sure it is overly needy, teething, has what I call ‘mommy-itis’, is SUPER demanding, wants to be held 90% of the time, etc.)
{Upsetting, but I don’t really care most days} STRESS of having a dirty house (hint: I need a freakin’ maid!)
{Simply brutal, makes me wanna cry sometimes} Not having time for ANYTHING! Repeat: No. Time. For. Anything. How I write these blogs, you ask? Don’t. ;P
Try that for a drink and we’re talking very serious hangover. ;)
Today’s new English sentence.
“Mami, it cuck!” (Mami means Mommy in Spanish)
“It what?” I asked Nico.
“It cuck!” he said.
Ohh, it’s stuck. He was trying to close a drawer from the cd cabinet and it was stuck. Wow, this may sound silly to most people, but my little boy has learned another phrase in English, and I don’t even know when, where or how. :) Lets keep in mind his first language is Spanish. Sure, he’s now in preschool, once a week. So after 3 preschool days, he can speak a few things here or there in English. Every new word or sentence he says in English simply amazes me, and is always catches me off guard. The element of the unexpected is like a breath of fresh air. Marvelous! He certainly understands waaaay more than he talks. He’s so smart, hehe. ;)
From now on, I’ll try posting some of the things he says in English. I think it’ll make for cute reads when I look back on memory lane. Plus, isn’t mispronounced toddler talk just adorable? I think so.
Here’s a pic I took today during our lazy Sunday. Good times! :)
We decided from the get go that we’d speak Spanish at home all the time so our kids would learn it. And I mean really learn it. I don’t want them to be those kind of Spanish speaking people who can understand it but talk it with what seems like a horrible foreigner accent. As if it was really their second language, or something they just picked up along the way. I want them reading, writing and speaking proper Spanish. Truly bilingual. Anything less is simply unacceptable.
Then came this summer. At Nico’s first lesson of Kindermusik I realized he needed to learn English. And pronto. He was acting like a totally different child, petrified among all the other kids. Where was my outgoing little extrovert? I figured it out. He had no clue what anybody was saying, or why. He must have thought he was in another world…
Lesson learned. I began talking both Spanish and English to him pretty much all the time. Just like an episode of Handy Manny; first in Spanish, then repeat it again in English. Sometimes I do it the other way around. Never ceasing to amaze me, he always gets it. Kids are like a sponge, they absorb so much and learn so fast. It’s amazing! :)
Poor Victoria. A day shy of her 5th birth-month, she’s quite the little package. SO demanding. SO needy. She’s a totally different baby than Nico was. I should have listened to what all those moms were always telling me during my second round as an incubator. My little precious princess, I LOVE her to pieces! Oh, but she wants to be held 90% of the time she’s awake. And a lot of times she will be at peace ONLY when held by me. Sorry Daddy. (And sorry to myself as well.) Add to that the times I hold her while breastfeeding and while putting her to sleep, and voila… there goes pretty much my entire day. I hope I’m not neglecting my son; he’s such a trooper!
Mommy needs a break at times. Make that several breaks, please. And her arms. And back. And silence. And sanity. And less of the added stress. I can’t even hear myself think at times. Oh, did I mention all the hair pulling? Add to that the loads of shedding I’m experiencing thanks to the post-preg hormone changes and we’re talking about being at the verge of baldness. Fabulous. :S
It gets worse. Victoria is also in the teething process. That’s right. Itchy gummies; chewing on her fingers, my fingers, everything she can; slobber all over everything and everyone; crankiness; and just general Mommy-overly-neediness. I guess that’s an excuse to be held all that more. I wish she would take a pacifier. She won’t. She thinks I’m the real thing, pacifiers are so fake (well, duh!). Sure, chew me up, why not. Ouuuuuch! Isn’t that why those things were invented?! God. Give. Me. A. Break. Please. :/ Sigh.
I guess it’s hard being 5 months old… Hmmm, wait till your name becomes ‘Mommy’, hehe. ;)
Today, I talked to a mom who came by the house with her kids selling their annual boy scout popcorn. Every year I’ve said no. Of course that comes with a bit of remorse since I believe in good causes and in helping others. Yet, her poor kid never really cares, but nevertheless there’s always a bit of awkwardness. I can be really stingy when it comes to solicitations, and frankly have even thought of putting up a sign on my door to avoid such situations. I mean, can you imagine giving in to… Every. Single. One? Sigh... But, I gave in, just this once. I couldn’t say no this year, I was weak. Blame it on the hormones, my falling hair, or the excessive amount of explosive diapers I changed today. Whatever. I’m $18 bucks down (Julio dislikes), and a bag of nuts and caramel popcorn richer (ah! Julio likes). Wait, is it just one bag or two? Damn, I have no clue. Momnesia! We’ll have to wait and see when it’s delivered in November...
In the short time we spent sealing the deal, somehow we got to talking about fb. (Facebook, for those of you mainstream-impaired, lol). This lady admitted she does not do fb. \o/ I was in utter shock. I mean, really?! My in-laws have fb, and they're in their 70s! When I asked her why, she candidly responded, "I don't have time". My response: "Lady, nobody does!" LOL! :D
Yesterday Nico was being his usual self and had taken the seat cushions off one of our family room sofas to jump directly on the sofa springs. I guess he’s figured out his ‘trampoline’ can be quite fun. Of course, it was an accident waiting to happen… like so much of boys’ rough play is. So yesterday was the day. He jumped off the couch, I’m not sure if intentionally, and hit his face on the table right on his left cheekbone. Luckily he missed his eye. It was a loud thump, followed by crying and screaming that amazingly only lasted 2 min. After some hugs and kisses, and some applied ice, he was off and running, back to his usual self. I’m amazed how resilient children can be! As for me, the visual reminder on his face reminds me of the seconds of agony I suffered seeing him in pain and with a bruised and slightly cut cheek (never mind him, he was clearly fine). He tells everybody about his “ouchie”, pointing at it, and didn’t even mind it when I showed him what it looked like in the mirror. Well, it’s like the Dr. said, “boys will be boys.” But poor Mommy.
Summer’s been brutally hot and humid with temps usually in the 90s, quite different from previous years. Idk if it’s global warming, or maybe just my hormones taking me for a joy ride, ha! – but it’s been too hot outside to enjoy anything. The back yard wasn’t used as much as we thought it would be, weeds have taken over much of it unfortunately, and the kiddie pool has not been inflated even once. Sigh. We didn’t go as planned to the Indy Zoo, not even a single time, and we didn’t make it out to the community pools either. Almost seems like the whole summer passed in a flash. School has started for everyone again, and since Summer is not really a season but rather a ‘state of mind’, in my opinion, I have to say it’s official: Summer is over. Below is a recount of our summer happenings.
Nico enjoyed 5 sessions of Kindermusik and learned all about the beach and the sea. He still talks about it, even though it was way back in June. It was fun, but only five one-hour sessions, for a total cost of $100 including supplies. Pretty pricy, but what the heck. I thought it sounded exaggerated, but inexperienced in the world of Tots as we were, we dove into it anyway. Sorry, no pics for this one.
Nico enjoyed 4 weeks of swim lessons in June-July. He loved the sun and water, and his instructor Brandy. He still talks about her and wants to go see her. So cute. I’m no longer scared of letting him bathe or play in water deeper than 6 in (lol) and he’s not scared of walking into deeper water himself without assistance.
4th of July with our friends The Froschs, we even say the city fireworks display on a roof top.
Fun at our friend Thomas’ 2nd Birthday Party in early August
…And a few random pics we took over the Summer…
With 2 babies now, it’s been pretty hard keeping up with my blog. Life is very busy, crazy at times, but all in all wonderful and blessed with Nico and Victoria. They are such wonderful kids, and truly our greatest joys.
pic taken Aug. 2010
Nico’s 2 yrs 4 mths now. He’s very smart, speaking both Spanish and English. He’s figured out that he has a choice when it comes to deciding when to do what or where, or if to do as Mommy says.
Or so he thinks.
Oh it makes for interesting days, lol, or stressful, depending on how you look at it.
Nico is very loving with his little sister. He’s also been telling me with a sweet voice, kisses, and caresses “Mommy is so pretty”. Yes, I melt away.
He’s still in pull ups, and shows no interest in potty training though we’ve tried. His potty seat is as lonely as can be, though in the last 2 mths he’s used the big people toilet to pee while sitting assisted at his request, but that’s only been less than a handful of times.
Victoria turned 4 mths on 8/26; time flies when you’re having fun! She’s 17 lbs 6 oz (above 95% – aka ‘off the charts’, lol), and measures 24.88 in (75%). She’s been wearing 6 mth clothes, but according to the labels and her weight she should be in 9 mth clothes.
OMG! I have chunky babies, what can I say. And since I’m solely breastfeeding her, I must have some awesome liquid gold supply! ;)
She’s such a sweet baby and smiles and laughs all the time. She’s ticklish, talks her own little language, rolls over, and sits well when assisted. She’s begun the teething process as she’s enjoying slobbering on everything and nibbling on her fingers, and mine.
She is a wonderful baby and sleeps like a champ, from 9:30 pm until 8 am. Additionally she takes a 3 hr nap daily as well. Early on, through much trial and error, I found that she’s allergic to milk protein, so I’ve been banned from my fav drink: MILK.
That, and anything made with it. And let me tell you, that has been no fun for me. I REALLY miss milk.
And cheese.
The world is a horrible place without my dairy! Waaa waaa… :(
We weren’t planning on sending Nico to preschool until he was 3, but at the last minute my friend Maria told me there were 4 openings in a Friday only class at a Nursery School with excellent rep in town. She took one of the slots for her son Thomas, who is Nico’s buddy, and encouraged me to get Nico in. It’s 2.5 hrs on Friday mornings only, and it’s from late August through May. At $40/mth it’s a great deal AND will give Nico play time with other kids his same age in a fun, loving and educational environment. All that and he’ll be exposed to and learning English, alongside what we teach him daily, so he’ll be much better prepared for next year when he goes to 3 yr old preschool 2-3 times per wk.
Yesterday was Nico’s 1st day of preschool, and it was very exciting! To allow the kids to get acquainted with the new environment, teacher and kids it was a 1 hr mini session in which us parents got to stay and join in the fun. We had a great time. Nico can’t wait to go back, and now the only negative thing is that I have a bit of remorse I didn’t sign him up for more days a week, hehe. He’s going to have so much fun! :) Below are a few pics…
I’ve been trying to upload this post for some time but kept getting an error. Anyway… Here’s a few pics we took of the kids and my parents on June 4 right before ‘Tata’ and ‘Grandpa’ left (June 5). I’m glad we got a chance to get these nice pics. They were long over due, for sure. We really miss them, especially wonderful, fun and loving Tata!
Tata, Grandpa, Victoria and Nico in our front yard
Ok, so this will be a short post. Just wanted to shout to the world in good ol’ OMG fashion that for the first time ever Victoria slept 7 hrs straight last night, and thanks to that so did I. I didn’t realize it until Nico woke me up at 7 am, I told him to go back to sleep a bit (which he did) and then looked at the clock and at myself in the mirror and realized the two ‘hard rocks’ I had on my chest were there because there was no middle of the night feeding. So, what to do? I woke a still heavily sleeping Victoria at 7:15 am and fed her, and she went right back to sleep for a half hour, then fed again. Nice… though I fear that if I go for more than 4-5 hrs without getting the milk out my supply will start to diminish and I may have to supplement like I had to with Nico. He would sleep 8 hrs straight at night, and I wouldn’t pump either, so my supply ran lower than his demand.
Well, at least for one night it’s refreshing to have slept 7 hrs straight… cheers!
No, it was not Victoria that was born (yet… though I am 37 weeks now). Our new Bosch dishwasher FINALLY arrived!! It has been installed and as I’m writing this it’s running through it’s first wash cycle. I can barely hear it. And it’s soooo beautiful! :D
It’s been exactly 15 days since I bought it. Long overdue! It was supposed to be delivered and installed on Tuesday March 30, but as luck would have it the order fell through the cracks and after I was on top of things for days, finally got things done the right way, emergency order and all. It pays to be such a pain in the butt and stay on top of things (most of the times…though it’s never worked with Sears – where we got our fridge, that’s a whole other story…I hate Sears!). After all the inconveniences (there were several, sigh), Lowes came through and offered me a 10% discount on the already $100 discounted price I had originally paid for the dishwasher. That, plus they told me that now the order also qualified for a free installation/haul away rebate (savings of $109). So all in all, we saved $280 on a pretty darn nice dishwasher. I’ll take this 15 day delay with all it’s inconveniences anytime for that kind of savings! Well, maybe not anytime, but I’m good this time. ;) And yes, I’m still remaining a loyal Lowes junky, even with this little incident (which is a first for me).
I am so thrilled to have a working dishwasher, and even more such a fine looking one. No more hand washing (such a waste of time!), no more disposables, no more use and reuse 1 glass/day kinda thing, lol… Did I mention how quiet it is??!! It’s FABULOUS in every sense of the word! Below is a pic of our beauty (never mind the bright light down the middle caused by the flash).
It’s been a wonderful laid back Easter weekend for us. The weather has been nice overall, well in the 70s and sunny (though it rained quite a bit yesterday) and we’ve enjoyed some wonderful family time.
Today we went to mass in the morning, and I can’t help but smile about how beautiful it was. The choir of old folks is just heavenly (@ 11:30 am mass), and I just can’t imagine attending any other mass that didn’t include their angelic singing. It makes for such a wonderful and heartfelt spiritual experience, it can be very moving and is truly inspirational. Simply divine.
After mass we ended up eating at Wendy’s and though it may not sound like the ideal place for an Easter lunch, the food was good and most importantly we spent a wonderful time together. I should mention how excellent dessert was… a large chocolate frosty which the three of us shared --ok, 3.5 counting Victoria who’s still in my belly. ;) After that we came back home and decided to set up the tripod and take a family pic. It was quite the ordeal. We were cutting into Nico’s naptime and he was just not cooperating.
After all the kicking and crying and begging to be let down to run on the grass, we finally got a semi decent shot. It’s not perfect, but I guess perfection is something you need to learn to let go of once you have kids. We’re lucky we have any picture at all, with how things were going. So here’s the top two pics…
We gave up after several tries… and while Nico napped we took some pics of this house’s lovebirds. That would be my husband and I, lol. ;) Here’s a couple of nice shots… yayyy, we finally have some pics of just the two of us!
Our dishwasher has decided all on its own it needs to be replaced. Julio begs to differ ‘jokingly’ stating I probably did something to it and I’m now rejoicing at the prospect of finally replacing the darn thing. Ok, I’ll be honest the darn thing is white, ugly, old, rusted, noisy and yes I’ve always wished for something newer, nicer, and stainless steel. But honestly, I’m unsure whether I should celebrate [yay! finally get to replace that old piece of junk white d.w. with a new stainless steel one…] or I should cry [crap, this stupid d.w. finally has taken revenge on my dirty talk about it’s bad looks and pain-in the butt configuration, blah blah blah… darn it, looks like we’ll have to fork out $700 or so for the stainless steel one, just fabulous :S ].
The stupid thing has a nasty smell that prevails well through wash cycles; of course it must be coming from the puddled water that’s permanently logged in the bottom of the tub, quite disgusting!! Do I even have to mention the bits of food that are floating in that water?? So the dishes only look clean after they are washed, but they’re being washed with dirty water, and the last rinse is filled with old food goodies-- omg, I think I could puke!!
So… we’ve tried several things in what’s only been futile attempts to fix the darn thing. We (well, Julio really, I wouldn’t touch that thing) even hand emptied the sitting water, disassembled the inner goods where water is supposed to be drained through, cleaned it out, and put it back together. Turned on the lowest cycle, and again got a puddle of water sitting nicely in the bottom. Fabulous. :S There’s not much else we can do, and I’m not calling a plumber to pay him and arm and a leg to tell me we need to fix [whatever is wrong, read: $$ for repairing a 2002 d.w.] or we need a new one because this one finally gave in. I guess I’m deciding to give the d.w. a death with dignity… or am I? I’ll be putting it (and quite frankly myself) out of it’s misery soon and replacing it with a newer, better, sleeker stainless steel model. I’m not going to tell that to the d.w. though, I couldn’t be that cruel. ;)
So, should I celebrate or cry?? Moral of this story: Goodbyes are never easy… and somehow we always get screwed one way or another. Ca-ching!
Mommyhood As Reduction Sauce (*How to boil a girl down to her essence*) »
© Lena M. Martinez, 2010
All rights reserved. All written content and photos (unless otherwise stated) in this blog are authored and owned by Lena M. Martinez. It is not OK to take or use content from herein for any purpose without previous written authorization by the author/owner. Doing so constitutes stealing and a direct violation of Copyright and Intellectual Property Laws, which may be prosecutable in a court of law. Thank you for respecting the Copyright and Intellectual Property Laws.